Being single and living within Utah County the push for marriage is undeniable and outspoken. Much like Mrs. Bennet from Jane Austen's
Pride and Prejudice. It is both hilarious and annoying at the increase of "marriage pep talks" that singles are getting in this valley. I find that those who are constantly pushing us singles towards marriage through FHE activities, Munch & Mingle, and Sunday talks remind me of Mrs. Bennet. Just like Elizabeth I find myself asking these people if marriage is all they think about? And like Mrs. Bennet they respond with "when you have single daughters and sons, what else shall occupy your thoughts". And just like her daughters, every single push and reminder about marriage has the singles of Utah laughing and rolling their eyes.
Another Single Ward phenomenon I find utterly hilarious that is also approached in P&P. The matter concerning "lady's imagination". In a singles ward, the dating scene is seen at a faster rate than the outside world. It is as if this area is caught in a time dilation which makes everyone go through life faster here than anywhere else. For instance, it is not a secret that many girls (in singles wards) make the jump that a 3rd date means you are bf/gf. So many times I overhear friends telling the girl that she HAS to have a "DTR" or else. Or else what?? Does something bad happen like the world ends or there is a shortage of french fries. Because the threat of no more french fries may push me towards presenting a DTR to a guy. Come on, gotta save the fries!! But really, probably not. I don't know about you, but I find that I can put on quite a show well-past the 3rd date mark. For all I know, the fact that I am a picky eater may not emerge til date 27 and may be the breaking point???
Any who, I do so love messing with people. Causing a ruckus and not doing things properly. Not grabbing my label maker and placing a label on everything I come into contact with. Personally, label makers aren't really all that fun....I prefer the Bedazzlers, much more me. In P&P, Jane and Charles have known each other a fortnight (2 weeks) and her mother is completely sure of there being a wedding. Is there where the idea for quick marriages occurred? Yes, in the case of Wickam and Lydia, but who wouldn't want their teenage girl marrying a man much older than her and not having a decent job.....oh that's right, most of my town and Stephanie Meyer.
What Mormon girl doesn't want to marry a guy like Edward? Someone controlling, cold, and dead? I certainly know a few 40-year old moms who wish they had. As for me, necrophilia isn't my thing but all you 18 year old girls now flooding the church buildings, I'm sure you can find him somewhere...... the Elder's Quorum room is on your left, make sure you wear distracting ear rings to keep their attention, oh and don't forget to mention how "big and strong he is". As for me and mine, I'm grabbing me some starburst/skittles to watch the latest and cheapest form of entertainment. Grammy anybody?