Tantor, your mother lied to you. The water is not sanitary and definitely has bacteria, at least the water that the Manilla 6 YSA Ward is drinking. The water is full of bacteria that I'm sure the Bishopric is responsible for.
"There are plenty of fish in the Sea" and they are all hooking up in the Manilla 6th pond. So we are all fish.... I hate fish. They do not taste good, too fishy. Plus comparing yourself to a fish? They just swim around and do nothing at all. Just swim, swim, right fin, left fin, right fin, left fin, avoid shark, and turn. Now repeat. Isn't it just so much fun! :/
Well if I am forced to be a fish, I'm one of the cute blue fish. The ones that you don't eat but spend enormous amounts of money to put in a tank with other cute fish and a fake castle in the middle. So I'm a fish, you are a fish, we are all fishes. Swimming around and around. The water has been contaminated. Fish right and left are twitterpated. Blue fish finding yellow fish and ugly fish somehow landing a gorgeous red fish. Seriously? A clown tiggerfish and a yellow angel fish from the reef creating their own little home? OK well, this blue fish is totally OK with the clown tiggerfish moving out of the pond. Not gonna really miss ya. It doesn't really make sense why the angel fish is falling for the triggerfish but I'm sure he is a nice fish.
The pond of Manilla 6 is full of bacteria attracting such fish together. This little blue fish is staying out of the way of clown fish, puffer fish, and most importantly eels. In fact this little blue fish doesn't want to be a fish, instead I'll be a dolphin or a turtle. "There are plenty of dolphins/turtles in the sea", wait that's not correct....does that mean I'm immune to the bacteria affecting the fishes? Watch out fishes, the bacteria is coming to pond near you. Soon you'll be twitterpated by the clown trigger fish, puffer fish, clown fish, or just an ordinary trout. Evade the eels. Just keep swimming.

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