Musical Chairs
Singles wards are quite the hodgpodge of activity. Things change every minute. One of my favorite things to observe during Sacrament Meeting is who is sitting by who. Because as you all know, if a guy is sitting next to a girl they must dating. HAHA! There are a few particular girls who seem to jump from one guy to the next weekly. On Sunday she will be sitting with one guy we will name Jason and the next sunday she will sit next to Brent. Then she will switch during Sunday School and sit next to the other one as the previous chair buddy watches her every move like a hawk. Come on guys!! Can't you see that she is just playing you off of each other. She is seeing the reactions she can generate out of the two of you. Personally, musical chairs is not my favorite game. Someone always gets hurts. Another annoyance this week is people hugging me when they know they've done something wrong. A hug does not fix the problem. It does not make you a good person. In reality, the fact that you think a hug fixes it makes you a tool. In fact it may cause you to feel physical pain if you continue to try it. If I clearly want you no where near me, do not hug me. You hug me, I'll kick you. Hard. So hard you'll sing Soprano for a week.
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