Boys who kiss 2 girls within 24 hours are TOOLS (not my personal situation. A gal pal's. A couple hours later and this is what I've come up with). Your buddies may give you a high-five or fist-bump and say "score". They are tools too. A bunch of useless tools .
Tool defined: a person who uses others selfishly to accomplish various. Tools are in no way, shape, or form clever. Tools are not just guys. There are plenty of female tools out in the world. Tools of the world are constantly thinking "What's in it for me?" This is manifested by men in a more sexual nature. Kissing, making out, etc... The guy kissing 2 girls within hours of each other. Female tools are different in nature. Their tool behavior is evident by their ability to persuade others to give them things. Personally I have had lots of run ins with tools both male and female.
Stay away from guys who act differently when the two of you are in public, especially his friends. If he never takes you on a date, bad sign too. Guys who only do things when its convenient for them. Doesn't want to take your relationship public.
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