Monday, January 31, 2011

It Looks Questionable to Me?!

Tantor, your mother lied to you. The water is not sanitary and definitely has bacteria, at least the water that the Manilla 6 YSA Ward is drinking. The water is full of bacteria that I'm sure the Bishopric is responsible for.

"There are plenty of fish in the Sea" and they are all hooking up in the Manilla 6th pond. So we are all fish.... I hate fish. They do not taste good, too fishy. Plus comparing yourself to a fish? They just swim around and do nothing at all. Just swim, swim, right fin, left fin, right fin, left fin, avoid shark, and turn. Now repeat. Isn't it just so much fun! :/

Well if I am forced to be a fish, I'm one of the cute blue fish. The ones that you don't eat but spend enormous amounts of money to put in a tank with other cute fish and a fake castle in the middle. So I'm a fish, you are a fish, we are all fishes. Swimming around and around. The water has been contaminated. Fish right and left are twitterpated. Blue fish finding yellow fish and ugly fish somehow landing a gorgeous red fish. Seriously? A clown tiggerfish and a yellow angel fish from the reef creating their own little home? OK well, this blue fish is totally OK with the clown tiggerfish moving out of the pond. Not gonna really miss ya. It doesn't really make sense why the angel fish is falling for the triggerfish but I'm sure he is a nice fish.

The pond of Manilla 6 is full of bacteria attracting such fish together. This little blue fish is staying out of the way of clown fish, puffer fish, and most importantly eels. In fact this little blue fish doesn't want to be a fish, instead I'll be a dolphin or a turtle. "There are plenty of dolphins/turtles in the sea", wait that's not correct....does that mean I'm immune to the bacteria affecting the fishes? Watch out fishes, the bacteria is coming to pond near you. Soon you'll be twitterpated by the clown trigger fish, puffer fish, clown fish, or just an ordinary trout. Evade the eels. Just keep swimming.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Secrets of Me

* I don't realize when guys are flirting with me....SERIOUSLY. Ask my best friend. I just figure he is a nice guy talking with me.

* I typically am only interested in one guy at a time.

* My room is spotless and I don't know how to function in it.

* Based on what my institute teacher has said about Brigham Young, I don't think me and Young will be getting along in the next life.

* My all time favorite date would be to go to a park and look at clouds/ stargaze.

* Came within inches of kicking a guy in the head during Munch & Mingle today.

* I bond with people when we discover we dislike the same people. It is our common ground.

* My sister and I are working on plans to survive a zombie apocalypse.

* I do some of my best thinking while laying on the floor and staring at the ceiling.

* I have watched 10 episodes of Xena: The Warrior Princess in the last 2 days.

*One of my favorite movies is Easy A, not just because she does her own thing but because I agree with her. I would love for a guy to be outside my window holding a boom box, ride on a lawn mower, etc...

* I am not the type of girl who just shows up at people's house. If I wasn't invited, I won't be there.

* I am not mean... in fact I am a great friend to those who are good to me. However once you've betrayed that, things will never be the same.

* For once I want the guy to pick me, not the girl who acts like Lydia (Pride & Prejudice).

* There's this boy....he makes me laugh...drives me sucks

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Bane of My Existence....LOL

Sorry for the extended delay.....this shall be a post with a hodge-podge of themes.

This past weekend I was in Idaho for my cousin's mission farewell. I believe it is my aunts mission to give dating advice to their eldest niece every time the family is together. The conversation goes a little something like this....

Aunt "so what are you up to?"
Riss "just school."
Aunt "dating?"
Riss "nope."
Aunt "oh....(awkward pause) why not?"
Riss "apparently I am intimidating."
Aunt "you are just now realizing this?!"
-No degree of denial. No "oh no you aren't. They just don't understand you." type phrases occur. Its a well-known fact in the family that Marissa has a couple looks that could kill.
Riss "no but finally some guy felt brave enough to share it this fact."
Aunt "is he still alive?"
Riss "of course he is." geez it's not like I kill everyone who I dislike....the bodies would be piling up by now and there is no way to hide that in my basement.
Aunt "oh well that's a good thing."

She and my other aunt go into how this long conversation which I cannot escape because I am trapped in a car for 25 miles and the car is traveling at 45mph....yup walked right into this one. They ask if there are any cute boys in my major.... HAHAHA ya right! Just because Indiana Jones was hot does not mean all archaeologist/anthropologist guys are. In fact I haven't met one. I then go into an explanation on how certain guys are attracted to certain majors. The guys in the Pre-Law programs are usually good looking followed closely by those in Pre-Med. The guys in Anthropology.....not so much. You have the guys who want to study some tribe in the deep rain forest of the Amazon and those who want to work in a crime lab. Wide diversity... no attraction. My aunts immediately go into a discussion on how this is a good thing because if I were in the business program I would be distracted by all the guys. Apparently a major full of weirdos is protecting me from making a "wrong" decision. Been there.... Done that....

They then ask about my singles ward. I may be a bit jaded in that arena of my "dating pool". Ok a lot jaded but hey I have accepted and work around it. I will say that there are some great guys in the singles ward. Some that are very driven and ambitious towards their futures.... however the vast majority spend their time on X-Box and will begin school "someday." They say to give the guys another chance.... I'm rolling my eyes and staring out the window at cows. With guys I tend to carry the notion that Mr. Darcy states so eloquently "My good opinion once lost is lost forever." I'm not much into second chances for a guy unless he really tries and I don't see that happening. I'm ok with it.

From this whole conversation I get that "it's ok that I'm single", but don't worry the disease isn't airborne. It's in the water. Also that less distraction from boys will keep my grades up.... I don't remember stating that I wasn't distracted by boys, I just don't date them. It may be because they are on TV and in books. NO I do NOT mean Twilight....gag....roll over and die Stephanie Meyers. And lastly, that maybe I should be nicer to boys... hmmm but I like the fact that the majority of the creepers run at the sight of my glare. The strong will survive and I don't date those that are weak. It'd end in bloodshed.

Another topic arose when talking with my aunts that is another type of boy besides those previously stated in the "Which Are You?" post.

NGB translation "Nice guy but..."
These are the guys who "nice guys but..." For example you come home from a date with a guy and my dad asks how it went. "It was fun." My dad asks if I will go out again with the guy. "Probably not." and he asks why. " Well he is a nice guy but....(insert some reason of not dating said guy). Not a lot needs to be said about these guys. These guys are great guys but .....
Here are some common fillers for the blank: Nice guy but ____?
- He is creepy
- He smells
- All he talks about is video games
- All he talks about is the mission. I realize it was the BEST TWO YEARS of your life but I haven't served one and have nothing to contribute to the conversation beyond "yups" and "hmmm interesting".
-No chemistry
Yup the NGB. Nothing more to be said. You are a Nice Guy But........