Monday, March 28, 2011

We are in COLLEGE people! COLLEGE

Today my professor of my Ancient Mayan Civ. class, handed back our midterm papers. I love midterms that are papers. So easy. As per usual, I did excellent on the essay even though I hardly read any of the book and really only spent 2 hours on the essay. Apparently the rest of the class sucked it up. My professor has proceeded to give an explanation on how papers should be written. Introductory clause, thesis statement, outlines, sources, etc..... Really?! Are we still in high school? We are in COLLEGE. Not only a university but the University of Utah. Geez. I signed up for a cultural class not an english class that will teach me what I already know. Such a waste of a 2 hr class that is already boring and today was even worse.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Don't Think So

Mormons are a most odd group....especially Utah Mormons. ColdStone Creamery sells apples that have been dyed to match the colors of the Young Women theme..... faith, divine nature, individual worth, knowledge, choice & accountability, good works, integrity, and virtue. Why are they sending the message of "taking a bite out of my (insert quality)". "I know you want a taste of my virtue." This Mia Maid Advisor did not think that one through. High school pregnancy just increased dramatically.

It's Prom Season, boys and girls. Aw high school, when you thought you and your lover were meant to be. Ha! Poor misinformed suckers. Nothing says "Prom" like a live display of prom dresses because watching any Disney channel movie can't illustrate the magic that happens.... only the clothing store DEB can. At least it's cleaner than the Hogle Zoo.

Oh yay! A whole-stake devoted to the task of marrying off the social inept Mormons. There is a chance for you "Urkel" types out there. It is at the UofU Institute where they have a whole stake devoted to the task of marrying you off.....I am pretty sure this is a reason why I did not choose BYU. What in the heck is it doing up north at the red school? Good luck those of you in the Second Stake...hope the computer matches you with a keeper.

This "man", more like boy, shushed me and Erica today
during Sacrament Meeting. You don't shush us,
unless you have a death wish. Poor fool
doesn't know what is coming. FYI kid, your mom did a
number to the back of your head. Very stylish. Ladies are all over you and your attractiveness.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Yes You Are Single

Who really expects to meet their eternal companion at an institute dance? And after last night's awesome dance full of awkward people dancing around like chickens, why would you want to? Full on "chicken with no head" dance moves. That is really attracting me to you. Congrats. Now go call mom and tell her you've found that special girl who is ok with your awkwardness on the dance floor. This dance had a tie die theme. Nothing like proclaiming your single-ness with psychedelic colors. Does the institute president expect that you will walk in the gym, look across the room and find that one person whose shirt matches your own? Is it destiny? Fate? No its BS. Only the church has such extreme measures for "helping" us find out EC. These measures just tell me who I don't want to end up with. I differently don't want the guy in tight white jeans nor the guy who is writing scripture references on the decorative table decorations. How about a guy who laughs when I write something inappropriate to the scripture writer?

Apparently we aren't living properly until we've got that one person who can make you happier beyond compare. Personally, I want that one person who isn't scared of me. I try to act all "Little Bo Peep", because men like to be protectors. Doesn't Bo Peep get eaten by the wolf?
Yes girls, singing Meg's song from Hercules concerning love will certainly help you in your search for love. Especially when you add in high-pitched "oh yeahs". Definitely an odd mating call to employ.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Code Blue

The doctor's office is my second-least favorite place to go. The dentist office tops the list. Doctor's offices are a place with millions of bacterial and viral cells. Its the Mecca of sick people. As I sat there waiting,which is all you ever do, I saw the little kid corner full of toys. It had a sign saying "Kid Square". The sign should have said "put your sick child here so they can mix their germs with Jimmy's germs". Anywho, I went to the doctor's office because of a lump that appeared behind my left ear a couple days ago. Now being like any other child of the computer generation, I Googled "lump behind ear". Tons of links popped up that said it could be a cyst, swollen lymph node, or a tumor. Now being my dramatic self where health is concerned. I immediately freaked that it could be a tumor. Here is why: when I was 16, I was in and out of doctor offices and hospitals due to non-stop migraines. Sure the majority of the population gets headaches. You take an Excedrin or Tylenol and poof its gone. Well in my case I was having one continous migraine. I couldn't take drugs because I had allergic reactions to them and they also made the headache worse. Specialists checked me for anything, blood samples were taken, cat scans, MRIs, and others. Finally ended up at Primary Children's and they admited me. I was strapped to a machine that would pump medicine into my body every couple of hours. The medicine burned and I remember screaming in pain for hours. However, it worked. My headaches didn't disappear but took them from a 10 to a 5 which was heaven for me. I still have the headaches but I deal. If they get to a 10 again, its back into the hospital. Anywho, after that I always am nervous with things that could be signs of some serious sickness that result in headaches because I always have them so they aren't a good measure for disease. So I always go to the doctor just in case. And that's what I did. When I arrived I paid my copay and was informed that I would be seeing their nurse practitioner. They gave me a receipt and I saw the name of the nurse I would be seen by. Some colorfol language went through my head. My ex-fiance's mom was the nurse. At this point I am freaking a bit... ok alot. I was engaged 3 years ago. Ended messy. Words were said on both sides...blah blah blah. His parents never liked me. So I'm sitting in the waiting room consider whether to take off out the front door and never look back but what if I have a tumor? My angel and devil are arguing when I hear my name called. I really dislike standing on the scale for my weight to be written in a folder I have no control over. The asst. takes my blood pressure and says that it is low....Low! How can it be low?! My heart is beating 5,000x per minute. Like facing a firing squad beating. Then comes the sitting in the little room for who knows how long. I notice there is a window. I checked to see if it opens. No. Escape plan busted. Crap. I think of Thomas the Train, "I can do this. I can do this. I don't want to do this." The door opens and the woman who was almost my mother-in-law steps in. She asks me how I am, what I am studying in school, and other questions about the lump. I am fearful if she asks if I am married yet. Her son is w/ 2 kids. I decide that if she asks I am making up some successful lawyer/doctor boyfriend named Mark. He has blue eyes. However, Mark did not need to make an appearance. Well I don't have a tumor, I'm not dying, but my ear is numb from her trying to drain the lump. Next priority, find new doctor's office. Preferably one with a sexy, young, single doctor. I like the plan.