It's Prom Season, boys and girls. Aw high school, when you thought you and your lover were meant to be. Ha! Poor misinformed suckers. Nothing says "Prom" like a live display of prom dresses because watching any Disney channel movie can't illustrate the magic that happens.... only the clothing store DEB can. At least it's cleaner than the Hogle Zoo.
Oh yay! A whole-stake devoted to the task of marrying off the social inept Mormons. There is a chance for you "Urkel" types out there. It is at the UofU Institute where they have a whole stake devoted to the task of marrying you off.....I am pretty sure this is a reason why I did not choose BYU. What in the heck is it doing up north at the red school? Good luck those of you in the Second Stake...hope the computer matches you with a keeper.
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