Monday, March 28, 2011

We are in COLLEGE people! COLLEGE

Today my professor of my Ancient Mayan Civ. class, handed back our midterm papers. I love midterms that are papers. So easy. As per usual, I did excellent on the essay even though I hardly read any of the book and really only spent 2 hours on the essay. Apparently the rest of the class sucked it up. My professor has proceeded to give an explanation on how papers should be written. Introductory clause, thesis statement, outlines, sources, etc..... Really?! Are we still in high school? We are in COLLEGE. Not only a university but the University of Utah. Geez. I signed up for a cultural class not an english class that will teach me what I already know. Such a waste of a 2 hr class that is already boring and today was even worse.

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