Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It All Ends 7.15

I am so excited to see the final movie but also full of a pang of despair. Nothing is yet to be with Harry Potter. No new mysteries to follow. No new spells. Nothing. Sure you can read the books and watch the movies, but that page turning thrill is gone. My childhood is drawing to a close 7.15.11

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I've never been a lover of cake, brownies, cupcakes, or frosting. In my neighborhood, growing up, the families would get together to celebrate birthdays. And I always got extra ice cream because I didn't like cake. Fair trade, I believe. Since those days I'm pretty much the same except that I have discovered a guilty pleasure. Sweet Tooth Fairy Cupcakes. These things are to die for! Just look at them. Strawberry Shortcake. Peanut Butter. Scrumptious. Delectable. I'm craving a box full right now. So now I hope that you want one too. Aren't I just so nice?
P.S. I've always wanted to smash a cupcake into someone's face but that'll be reserved for cupcakes who don't make the grade.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Lately I've been pondering what it is about men that lures me in and came up with a couple reasons:
A suit just adds to the allure of a man. It's classy, successful, and self-confident. Sorry single men, your t-shirt with batman on it is not producing results that a suit does. I may be a little vain but I like guys who look good.
According to some study done somewhere, women prefer men with stubble. The study goes on to list that it is the most attractive look while men with full-on beards are not. Personally, I agree. Men with stubble have an air of masculinity while men with full-on beards are creepy and ages a man 10 years. Plus who wants to make-out with a man with a Moses beard. I do feel bad for those men who cannot grow facial hair-looks like you are stuck with a baby face.

I realize Russell Brand is crazy and out of control but he is also attentive to Katy. Seriously, he adores her. And she adores him even when he is inappropriate. She is the only woman in his world. He is mesmerized by her and only her. They don't try to change the other which is very attractive. Plus he is hilarious. If you can make me laugh and I mean really laugh not some polite (I have to laugh or he'll cry) laugh.
Attentiveness- let her know that you are thinking about her. It doesn't have to be something big or everyday. A simple text in the morning will brighten her day.

Baby blues stop my heart. I could look at them all day. Maybe it's because I have blue eyes and like attracts like? My best friend's know that if a movie has a guy with baby blues, I'll pay $8.75 even if I have no idea what the movie is about.

Ambition. A man who goes after what he wants whether it's a job or a certain girl, is attractive. Someone who mans-up and takes the risk.
Also another attractive feature of a guy is one who is truly interested in you. Not every female in the room. Guys: make it obvious to her that she is not just "some girl". Be attentive, classy, and sincere.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

When In Rome

One of my favorite movies, mainly because it stars Kristen Bell. Seriously HILARIOUS and WITTY girl. I can relate to Beth except I don't need to steal a coin from a fountain to get creepy men to fall for me....they do that all on their own. Anywho, I mainly like this video due to the unique way of defining "stalking". Check out 1:10 on the video. Funny.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Lady's Imagination

Being single and living within Utah County the push for marriage is undeniable and outspoken. Much like Mrs. Bennet from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. It is both hilarious and annoying at the increase of "marriage pep talks" that singles are getting in this valley. I find that those who are constantly pushing us singles towards marriage through FHE activities, Munch & Mingle, and Sunday talks remind me of Mrs. Bennet. Just like Elizabeth I find myself asking these people if marriage is all they think about? And like Mrs. Bennet they respond with "when you have single daughters and sons, what else shall occupy your thoughts". And just like her daughters, every single push and reminder about marriage has the singles of Utah laughing and rolling their eyes.

Another Single Ward phenomenon I find utterly hilarious that is also approached in P&P. The matter concerning "lady's imagination". In a singles ward, the dating scene is seen at a faster rate than the outside world. It is as if this area is caught in a time dilation which makes everyone go through life faster here than anywhere else. For instance, it is not a secret that many girls (in singles wards) make the jump that a 3rd date means you are bf/gf. So many times I overhear friends telling the girl that she HAS to have a "DTR" or else. Or else what?? Does something bad happen like the world ends or there is a shortage of french fries. Because the threat of no more french fries may push me towards presenting a DTR to a guy. Come on, gotta save the fries!! But really, probably not. I don't know about you, but I find that I can put on quite a show well-past the 3rd date mark. For all I know, the fact that I am a picky eater may not emerge til date 27 and may be the breaking point???

Any who, I do so love messing with people. Causing a ruckus and not doing things properly. Not grabbing my label maker and placing a label on everything I come into contact with. Personally, label makers aren't really all that fun....I prefer the Bedazzlers, much more me. In P&P, Jane and Charles have known each other a fortnight (2 weeks) and her mother is completely sure of there being a wedding. Is there where the idea for quick marriages occurred? Yes, in the case of Wickam and Lydia, but who wouldn't want their teenage girl marrying a man much older than her and not having a decent job.....oh that's right, most of my town and Stephanie Meyer.

What Mormon girl doesn't want to marry a guy like Edward? Someone controlling, cold, and dead? I certainly know a few 40-year old moms who wish they had. As for me, necrophilia isn't my thing but all you 18 year old girls now flooding the church buildings, I'm sure you can find him somewhere...... the Elder's Quorum room is on your left, make sure you wear distracting ear rings to keep their attention, oh and don't forget to mention how "big and strong he is". As for me and mine, I'm grabbing me some starburst/skittles to watch the latest and cheapest form of entertainment. Grammy anybody?

Saturday, June 4, 2011


StumbleUpon is a sure way to waste away the day. It's a way to explore the Internet when you don't know what you are looking for. And it gives you a whole lot of random, cheesy sites that make you laugh....

First Cheesy Sites are those that are titled "Things Guys Should Know About Girls" or "Things Girls Should Know About Guys". They are seriously funny and often times can be followed by a "no duh!" I've decided that these pages are posted by guys/girls who are single and pine away for their "soul-mate". You keep thinking that sweetheart, he may even ride up on a white stallion. Bless your soul. :/

  • Do not cheat on a girl. We girls talk, we WILL know, and we WILL find out, and we WILL dump you! No kissing two girls within 24 hrs, it's rude and disrespectful. Plus it puts you in the Jerk/Player category.

  • Don't drench yourself in the cologne, but smell good. Oh I just love your excessive use of Aqua Di Gio. Yucky!

  • When in doubt, wear a shirt that matches your eye color. Blue eyes automatically give you 10 bonus pts.

  • You're sexy when you're shaving, fixing things, wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, driving, eating a peach, holding a baby. "Eating a peach" is not sexy, just messy.

  • Baseball players are hot. The sport makes you skinny and your arm muscles… well, it’s hot. We’ll go to all your games even if we hate baseball. No arguments here. Watch him run, oh baby oh baby.

  • At sleepovers, if you wonder what we talk about, quit worrying. It really is only you. It's you and the really cute guy at Blockbuster....

  • We like you to kiss our hand and cheeks and forehead (esp. forehead!!), not just shove your tongue down our throats. We do like to breathe. Please do not kiss me that resembles a dog, sappy tree, or some sort of sea creature.

  • As surprising as it may be, while guys might actually look at personality, the first thing girls look at tends to be looks. We're not going to see you and think, 'I wonder what his personality is like!' Terrible, but true. It's true but a girl will quickly place you in the "Potential" category or the "Jerk/Creeper" category based on how you carry yourself and if people in the room avoid you.

  • If we say "Let's just be friends", we really mean it. Don't keep trying to pursue us, and don't say ok and then ignore us. That's just mean and horrible. And do not take the "let's be friends" phrase as a promise of some future relationship. If I don't like you now, I never will. Don't give me hugs and linger, it's creepy and one day it will cause you to be on the floor gasping in pain. Also don't do surprise dates. Don't say that a group is going to a movie and it ends up being the two of you. She will fake some sort of illness, typically cramps bc a guy won't investigate.

  • Girls fantasize too...

Since StumbleUpon is not neither male nor female, here's the for the flip side, what guys wish girls knew....

  • Guys don't like sluts.....really? are you sure? ok, well in that case I better notify the female population.

  • When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something. Oh good, neurons are synapsing up there. That's a relief.

  • If you like the us, then you would let us think that our mustache, beard, or sideburns look cool. Facial hair can be very sexy but no girl wants to make out with Hitler.

  • Guys don't necessarily like girls who are too skinny. WTF. What does "too skinny" mean? How do you measure something like that? Maybe it should read "guys don't like girls who look like teen boys?" Furthermore boys, she may appear to have a proportional chest but don't you know? Victoria Secret is the best friend of the "flat-as-a-board" girls.

  • When a girl says "no", a guy hears "try again tomorrow". No means no, tomorrow's answer will be no and now you are a creeper.

  • Guy's fantasies are unlimited..... since when is creativity bad?

  • If a guy suddenly asks you for a date, ask why? Seriously?! Who comes up with this crap? It is probably because he is attracted to you.

  • If you don't dress like the Victoria Secret girls, don't expect us to act like soap opera guys. I'm perfectly ok with this mainly because I don't want you to be secretly my sister's baby daddy nor the guy in coma for the entire season.

  • Let us ogle. If we can't look at other women, how can we know how pretty you are. Nice loop boys.

P.S. these comments were listed as "Facts" and thus have been scientifically proven to be true and have been agreed upon by all parties of single boys and single girls. Poor unfortunate souls.

Site #2

An application from a father to date his daughter. It is nice to be able to tell your father that the guy you are going out with on Friday night does not have a record and is not a drug dealer. However a father wonders a lot of other questions (or in my case your grandmother)

  • If I were shot, the last place I'd like to be shot last is? Pretty sure any girl knows this answer, at least if she hasn't been living under a rock

  • A women's place is in the? You say "home" and my father won't need to beat you, I will myself.

Site 3

  • 1,385,160 Cows have been abducted by aliens

  • I am prepared for a Velociraptor attack

  • Custom building hell....

Slow Drivers
Circle I Limbo

Stupid People
Circle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind

Circle III Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow

Circle IV Rolling Weights

18 year old girls
Circle V Stuck in Mud, Mangled

River Styx

Circle VI Buried for Eternity

River Phlegyas

Screaming children before 9 am on a saturday
Circle VII Burning Sands

Guys with Hitler mustaches
Circle IIX Immersed in Excrement

People responsible for forcing Cookie Monster to eat fruits/veggies
Circle IX Frozen in Ice

Friday, May 13, 2011

Hope for the Hopeless

Sometimes friends offer you good advice, even great advice. Like if a certain dress makes you look fat or if your new makeup looks a bit hookerish. However, sometimes it is best to follow your instincts that way you know what YOU thought was best. Not what some other person thought was best. Well now I'm in a state of having to deal with following the bad advice and it sucks. I can't take it back and it just sucks sucks sucks x 1,000,000. Not even an Astin Martin would make me feel better.

PS but there is always hope isn't there?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spare Time

Since school has ended and I am still working on finding a job (when I say "finding" I mean actually filling out applications. I not one of those people who sits and waits for a job to fall in my lap) I have been blog hopping and found this wonderful blog titled Really-He's Just Not That Into You. These ladies are hilarious and say their opinions. Today I found the following post:

Really-He's Just Not That Into You.: Adore > Love: Brittany's Thoughts on Dating: "Adore:  to   regard   with   the   utmost   esteem   and   respect;   honor. Like the rest of the world, I watched the Royal wedding this w..."

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bored Now

Bored with being brunette, tomorrow I'll become a blonde again. So excited. Will probably hurt though. Oh well, beauty without pain isn't beauty....right?!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I've Lost IT!

I've gone completely WONKO. This semester I have had 3 classes that have to do with anatomical names for human and animal bones....finals are approaching and I find myself in the following situations:

~At the gym I was on the Stair Climber and every time I flexed my knee, my mind raced through the muscles that did that movement
~I had a dream about fish bones....seriously??? The only dreams I seem to remember are ones that deal with bones. How about a hot dream next time, subconscious.
~ I have a coloring book that is worth over a hundred dollars and no it isn't TNMT.
~If ever I am attacked in a bone lab, grab a femur to smack the attacker.
~ When animals or birds cross my path, I instantly say their respective Order and Family.
~I can articulate a human skeleton, Wednesday Adams has nothing on me.

Yup I have lost it....finals need to end. My brain will explode soon. My nerdiness only goes so far.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Universe Has It In For Me

So lately I've been shying away from dealing with a situation. I won't go into details but I just have pushed it aside. Its definitely not a bad situation. Its on the good side of the spectrum. Well today I woke up ready to take the challenge head on but the universe has a sarcastic personality. I can't deal with it today. The Tuesday after never sounds like a good day. I have been putting it in the universe that I haven't wanted to deal with this situation and when I want to, the universe spits in my face. My powers of attraction are unparalleled. I attracted a pink pony, creepy men, and now my pushing stuff away is literally going away. Thanks universe, you're a pal. We should do lunch sometime.

FYI, changing your major can be a good thing. Unless its to a major completely unrelated to your current classes, thus leaving you with no desire to do well. But I will because I'm no quitter. Plus I feel smart knowing what TV shows are talking about related to the body. I'm so badass.

You Are A Tool

Boys who kiss 2 girls within 24 hours are TOOLS (not my personal situation. A gal pal's. A couple hours later and this is what I've come up with). Your buddies may give you a high-five or fist-bump and say "score". They are tools too. A bunch of useless tools .

Tool defined: a person who uses others selfishly to accomplish various. Tools are in no way, shape, or form clever. Tools are not just guys. There are plenty of female tools out in the world. Tools of the world are constantly thinking "What's in it for me?" This is manifested by men in a more sexual nature. Kissing, making out, etc... The guy kissing 2 girls within hours of each other. Female tools are different in nature. Their tool behavior is evident by their ability to persuade others to give them things. Personally I have had lots of run ins with tools both male and female.

Stay away from guys who act differently when the two of you are in public, especially his friends. If he never takes you on a date, bad sign too. Guys who only do things when its convenient for them. Doesn't want to take your relationship public.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Organizational Changes Help Church Leaders Better Care for Young Single Adults

In some areas of the world, particularly in the western United States, there are specific congregations, or wards, for single Mormons ages 18 to 30. Until now, some of these were student wards connected to a university, while other wards for the same age-group covered a specific geographic area, giving each young adult multiple options for attending worship services.

Now, the Church’s First Presidency has simplified things by organizing all wards for young single adults by location. These wards will not distinguish between students and non-students but will be open to all singles age 18 to 30 in a specific geographic area. If desired, young adults can also choose to attend conventional wards.

“This age-group tends to drift a little bit to different units, different wards,” said Elder Steven E. Snow of the Presidency of the Seventy. “We hope this reduces confusion in their mind about where they should go to church, where they should worship.”

The focus of Church leaders is to make sure that all young single adults have a place to call home, with the opportunity to serve and have their own spiritual needs met.

Another reason for the reorganization is to help local congregational leaders, or bishops, build stronger relationships with those in their congregations.

“[These bishops] really focus on the needs of the young single adults, from age 18 to 30, and we think that will increase accountability,” Elder Snow said.

This transition has been underway for more than a year, and new young single adult stakes have already been organized in several areas of Utah, including Logan, Ogden, Cedar City, St. George and Ephraim. These same changes will be implemented in Salt Lake, Davis and Utah Counties in Utah by June. In most cases, it will simply be a matter of realigning boundaries, but there will also be a net increase of 12 young single adult stakes: 8 in Salt Lake County, 2 in Davis County and 2 in Utah County.

I found out about this "new structuring" from my father. Apparently my mom knows me better or at least remembers that I really dislike change. Not change like a new job or moving. I generally get to make the decision to make those changes. I really dislike changes that occur with no input from me. After all I am the one it affects, shouldn't I have the choice? I think so. I also find it hard that the ward I live in geographically is the right one for me and everyone else in this state. I am not a fan of statistics but I would say that it is likely not the case. I have heard that this new structure is to make ward-hopping stop. Ward-hopping is going to a new ward every week. Not staying in the same ward so you grow and stuff. I don't ward hop!

I have been in the Manilla 6th ward for 2 YEARS. I attend all my meetings and activities and fulfill my calling. Why do I have to go to a ward that geographically fits my profile but not my personality? It makes no sense. The ages 18-30 years is the area where the church loses the most members. I honestly can say that it is because they may not have the connection in the ward they live in. I'm stubborn enough to quit going if I had to go to a ward that was "home" like the article said. An important aspect of YSA Wards is that they create connections so you keep going back. I have those connections in a ward that I attend. I just happen to live a couple blocks south of the border.

Now many of you may say, "hey give the new singles ward a try." I have. I gave it a good 6 month run. The singles ward that geographically fits my profile does not make me want to return. I grew up with those people, went to high school with them, and they still remain in their cliques from high school. I didn't like them in high school and still don't. Furthermore, I have a friend who was in the Manilla 6th ward and his mother moved to the same geographic profile my family lives in. He went to the new singles ward (AF 34) to try it out. Now this guy is extremely outgoing, has tons of friends, and easily makes friends. In the trial ward, no one came up to him. No one made him feel included. No one cared. They are all worried about themselves. Why would I want to go to a ward like that? Why give up a ward (Manilla 6th) that you care about and it cares about you for a ward that doesn't? He has since come back to the Manilla 6th ward. I do know that there are a number of people who if FORCED would have to go to the same singles ward as me.....doesn't that say something if there are multiple people who dislike the same people. We are not rude and snobby. We are heavily involved in our current ward. We have friends and participate in every aspect of the ward. Why make me change? I am stubborn enough to say "No, you can't make me!" Really what will they do? Burn me at the stake? Put me in chains? Imprison me? Don't think so.

To all those that say, "Follow the council given by the leadership". I have some thoughts for you. First, you are probably unaffected by the changes. Secondly, I do follow the council. Do you see me skipping church, getting drunk, or having sex? No, you don't. You see me doing my calling, getting to know people, and having fun with my friends. And thirdly, I refuse to believe that geographical lines determine where I will "feel at home." Those lines have nothing to do with my personality nor my needs. It just tells me my address for bills. Nothing more. So you may say that I am disobeying guidance but I've got my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

And yes I realize that we don't know all the details and who knows what is really going on but this is my blog where I divulge opinions and feelings. And today, I feel like this.

Monday, March 28, 2011

We are in COLLEGE people! COLLEGE

Today my professor of my Ancient Mayan Civ. class, handed back our midterm papers. I love midterms that are papers. So easy. As per usual, I did excellent on the essay even though I hardly read any of the book and really only spent 2 hours on the essay. Apparently the rest of the class sucked it up. My professor has proceeded to give an explanation on how papers should be written. Introductory clause, thesis statement, outlines, sources, etc..... Really?! Are we still in high school? We are in COLLEGE. Not only a university but the University of Utah. Geez. I signed up for a cultural class not an english class that will teach me what I already know. Such a waste of a 2 hr class that is already boring and today was even worse.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Don't Think So

Mormons are a most odd group....especially Utah Mormons. ColdStone Creamery sells apples that have been dyed to match the colors of the Young Women theme..... faith, divine nature, individual worth, knowledge, choice & accountability, good works, integrity, and virtue. Why are they sending the message of "taking a bite out of my (insert quality)". "I know you want a taste of my virtue." This Mia Maid Advisor did not think that one through. High school pregnancy just increased dramatically.

It's Prom Season, boys and girls. Aw high school, when you thought you and your lover were meant to be. Ha! Poor misinformed suckers. Nothing says "Prom" like a live display of prom dresses because watching any Disney channel movie can't illustrate the magic that happens.... only the clothing store DEB can. At least it's cleaner than the Hogle Zoo.

Oh yay! A whole-stake devoted to the task of marrying off the social inept Mormons. There is a chance for you "Urkel" types out there. It is at the UofU Institute where they have a whole stake devoted to the task of marrying you off.....I am pretty sure this is a reason why I did not choose BYU. What in the heck is it doing up north at the red school? Good luck those of you in the Second Stake...hope the computer matches you with a keeper.

This "man", more like boy, shushed me and Erica today
during Sacrament Meeting. You don't shush us,
unless you have a death wish. Poor fool
doesn't know what is coming. FYI kid, your mom did a
number to the back of your head. Very stylish. Ladies are all over you and your attractiveness.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Yes You Are Single

Who really expects to meet their eternal companion at an institute dance? And after last night's awesome dance full of awkward people dancing around like chickens, why would you want to? Full on "chicken with no head" dance moves. That is really attracting me to you. Congrats. Now go call mom and tell her you've found that special girl who is ok with your awkwardness on the dance floor. This dance had a tie die theme. Nothing like proclaiming your single-ness with psychedelic colors. Does the institute president expect that you will walk in the gym, look across the room and find that one person whose shirt matches your own? Is it destiny? Fate? No its BS. Only the church has such extreme measures for "helping" us find out EC. These measures just tell me who I don't want to end up with. I differently don't want the guy in tight white jeans nor the guy who is writing scripture references on the decorative table decorations. How about a guy who laughs when I write something inappropriate to the scripture writer?

Apparently we aren't living properly until we've got that one person who can make you happier beyond compare. Personally, I want that one person who isn't scared of me. I try to act all "Little Bo Peep", because men like to be protectors. Doesn't Bo Peep get eaten by the wolf?
Yes girls, singing Meg's song from Hercules concerning love will certainly help you in your search for love. Especially when you add in high-pitched "oh yeahs". Definitely an odd mating call to employ.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Code Blue

The doctor's office is my second-least favorite place to go. The dentist office tops the list. Doctor's offices are a place with millions of bacterial and viral cells. Its the Mecca of sick people. As I sat there waiting,which is all you ever do, I saw the little kid corner full of toys. It had a sign saying "Kid Square". The sign should have said "put your sick child here so they can mix their germs with Jimmy's germs". Anywho, I went to the doctor's office because of a lump that appeared behind my left ear a couple days ago. Now being like any other child of the computer generation, I Googled "lump behind ear". Tons of links popped up that said it could be a cyst, swollen lymph node, or a tumor. Now being my dramatic self where health is concerned. I immediately freaked that it could be a tumor. Here is why: when I was 16, I was in and out of doctor offices and hospitals due to non-stop migraines. Sure the majority of the population gets headaches. You take an Excedrin or Tylenol and poof its gone. Well in my case I was having one continous migraine. I couldn't take drugs because I had allergic reactions to them and they also made the headache worse. Specialists checked me for anything, blood samples were taken, cat scans, MRIs, and others. Finally ended up at Primary Children's and they admited me. I was strapped to a machine that would pump medicine into my body every couple of hours. The medicine burned and I remember screaming in pain for hours. However, it worked. My headaches didn't disappear but took them from a 10 to a 5 which was heaven for me. I still have the headaches but I deal. If they get to a 10 again, its back into the hospital. Anywho, after that I always am nervous with things that could be signs of some serious sickness that result in headaches because I always have them so they aren't a good measure for disease. So I always go to the doctor just in case. And that's what I did. When I arrived I paid my copay and was informed that I would be seeing their nurse practitioner. They gave me a receipt and I saw the name of the nurse I would be seen by. Some colorfol language went through my head. My ex-fiance's mom was the nurse. At this point I am freaking a bit... ok alot. I was engaged 3 years ago. Ended messy. Words were said on both sides...blah blah blah. His parents never liked me. So I'm sitting in the waiting room consider whether to take off out the front door and never look back but what if I have a tumor? My angel and devil are arguing when I hear my name called. I really dislike standing on the scale for my weight to be written in a folder I have no control over. The asst. takes my blood pressure and says that it is low....Low! How can it be low?! My heart is beating 5,000x per minute. Like facing a firing squad beating. Then comes the sitting in the little room for who knows how long. I notice there is a window. I checked to see if it opens. No. Escape plan busted. Crap. I think of Thomas the Train, "I can do this. I can do this. I don't want to do this." The door opens and the woman who was almost my mother-in-law steps in. She asks me how I am, what I am studying in school, and other questions about the lump. I am fearful if she asks if I am married yet. Her son is w/ 2 kids. I decide that if she asks I am making up some successful lawyer/doctor boyfriend named Mark. He has blue eyes. However, Mark did not need to make an appearance. Well I don't have a tumor, I'm not dying, but my ear is numb from her trying to drain the lump. Next priority, find new doctor's office. Preferably one with a sexy, young, single doctor. I like the plan.

Monday, February 28, 2011


I love Sunday afternoons. Sure I have homework that I could do but do I? Ha no. You see, we have Netflix. So instead of being subject to a couple movies, I have a plethora of movies (most of which I have never heard of). I found one that I love, The Holiday. It stars Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law, and Jack Black. Cameron and Kate's characters decide to escape their lives and switch homes for Christmas. As I watched the movie, i realized that film illustrates many aspects of my life. Jack Black's character Miles, illustrates my number cause of dating disasters:

Miles "Why do I always fall for the bad girl (or boy in my case)?"

Iris "You didn't know she was a bad girl."

Miles " I knew she wasn't good."

Miles falls for the bad girl who doesn't appreciate his efforts. Marissa falls for the bad boys who also don't appreciate her efforts. Miles goes on to ask "why he falls for someone he knows isn't good?" Yes, Marissa why do you fall for those who aren't good? My dating pool is mainly my singles ward. I have a good friend that says "dating in your ward is like peeing in a pool". Which is so true. Ironic isn't it? The church clumps you all together and the bishop says, "date these people you go to church with. Find your help-meet." He will tell you that "John Doe is a great guy" or "Jane Doe makes the yummiest cookies." In my experience, John Doe is not a great guy. He doesn't take girls on dates instead he will text you at 11:00pm asking what you are up to. He has no real intention of treating you like you should be. He just wants to see if he can get you to his place. Has no ambition for school and spends his time playing Call of Duty in mom's basement. Yup he's a keeper Bishop. I'll get right on that *eye roll*. So back to Miles' statement on dating those who are bad. Don't do it. They aren't worth it. They really don't care about you. Don't be their doormat. Don't let the few times they surprise you, push you to place them on the "good" side of the argument. In short, they are a waste of your time and effort because it won't be returned.

Now this realization has taken me awhile to figure out. And there will probably be guys I fall for but at least I can work on it. In the past week, I've started a new thinking. It is inspired by Scarlett O'Hara from Gone With The Wind. Many find that she was manipulative and greedy but she is one of the most known heroines in classic literature. She is real to us because each person has their faults. No one is perfect. She was a women of independence and strength during a time in which women were to rely on their man for support. She refuses to let people, circumstances, and even a war get in the way of what she wants. Alot of the personality seen in the 1939 film is due to the actress Vivien Leigh who starred as Scarlett.
In The Holiday, Arthur Abbot has Iris watch films which starred leading ladies of Hollywood's Golden Age. He tells Iris that in Hollywood, there are leading ladies and best friends. He states that she is a leading lady. He has her watch these women's films and she realizes that she has been missing gumption.
Gumption: Aggressive, resourceful, courage. Synonyms: Spirit, cleverness, witty.
Iris learns Arthur's message of taking the gumption she discovers in those ladies and applying it to her life. And now so will I. After all Iris declares "you're suppose to be the leading lady of your own life". So now I'm gonna have the gumption to do things that I haven't been reluctant to do fact I started a couple days ago before writing this.

Monday, February 21, 2011


When I am annoyed with something or someperson(s), I listen to music
Things/people who throw me into a music frenzy:
-Girls who act like friends but are not
-People who take advantage of others
-Boys who lie their way out of a lie they got caught in, no I don't believe you
-Boys who say they like you but hold hands with your friend. ya I'm not dumb
-The friend who holds hand with the boy, floosie
-Boys who like you but won't take you out to dinner, you are a waste of time
-Boys who pit girl against girl, honey I'm not playin your game
-People who can't take a hint

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


It's that time of year again. Cinderfella. Its an activity put on by the YSA in hopes that people will get married after being forced onto a date. You don't know who your date is until you walk into the gym. Freaky huh? For all you know, your date is someone you avoid or you could end up with a really hot guy. Well with my luck I'll get the creeper. Anywho, the only saving grace of this whole nightmare is the theme. This year it is a Decade theme. Couples dress from 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. I have the 1950s which I was first very pleased with. The 50s were an area where the hour-glass figure was the main highlight. That is me. After trying to find an outfit can I say that everything looks frumpy?! What the crap? I thought the 50's were classy and elegant not homely. I have spent so much time googling 50's fashion and going to costume rental places.

I originally wanted to go wearing a Poodle skirt, but then realized that every other girl wearing the 50s would probably wear one. And let's face it. Marissa dislikes doing the conventional, easy way. So I started my search.....

My next option was Marilyn Monroe. An idol of the 50's. However, I don't think the bishop would have liked this piece. But hey, bet I could have landed a few dates....

So then maybe a GREASE look but who really looks good in leather besides Olivia Newton John?!

So then the "housewife" look. Every hair in place, always perfect, has dinner ready, and is attentive to her husband's every move.... ya I want to send that message to these single mormon boys. A little too Stepford Wives. I do my original plan or do I think of something that will stand out? Ya I opted for the second too. So now I will be going in the classical pencil skirt w/ cardigan and heels look. Sexy, sophisticated, and unique...(hopefully a certain boy will like) if I can only figure out the hair.....

Monday, January 31, 2011

It Looks Questionable to Me?!

Tantor, your mother lied to you. The water is not sanitary and definitely has bacteria, at least the water that the Manilla 6 YSA Ward is drinking. The water is full of bacteria that I'm sure the Bishopric is responsible for.

"There are plenty of fish in the Sea" and they are all hooking up in the Manilla 6th pond. So we are all fish.... I hate fish. They do not taste good, too fishy. Plus comparing yourself to a fish? They just swim around and do nothing at all. Just swim, swim, right fin, left fin, right fin, left fin, avoid shark, and turn. Now repeat. Isn't it just so much fun! :/

Well if I am forced to be a fish, I'm one of the cute blue fish. The ones that you don't eat but spend enormous amounts of money to put in a tank with other cute fish and a fake castle in the middle. So I'm a fish, you are a fish, we are all fishes. Swimming around and around. The water has been contaminated. Fish right and left are twitterpated. Blue fish finding yellow fish and ugly fish somehow landing a gorgeous red fish. Seriously? A clown tiggerfish and a yellow angel fish from the reef creating their own little home? OK well, this blue fish is totally OK with the clown tiggerfish moving out of the pond. Not gonna really miss ya. It doesn't really make sense why the angel fish is falling for the triggerfish but I'm sure he is a nice fish.

The pond of Manilla 6 is full of bacteria attracting such fish together. This little blue fish is staying out of the way of clown fish, puffer fish, and most importantly eels. In fact this little blue fish doesn't want to be a fish, instead I'll be a dolphin or a turtle. "There are plenty of dolphins/turtles in the sea", wait that's not correct....does that mean I'm immune to the bacteria affecting the fishes? Watch out fishes, the bacteria is coming to pond near you. Soon you'll be twitterpated by the clown trigger fish, puffer fish, clown fish, or just an ordinary trout. Evade the eels. Just keep swimming.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Secrets of Me

* I don't realize when guys are flirting with me....SERIOUSLY. Ask my best friend. I just figure he is a nice guy talking with me.

* I typically am only interested in one guy at a time.

* My room is spotless and I don't know how to function in it.

* Based on what my institute teacher has said about Brigham Young, I don't think me and Young will be getting along in the next life.

* My all time favorite date would be to go to a park and look at clouds/ stargaze.

* Came within inches of kicking a guy in the head during Munch & Mingle today.

* I bond with people when we discover we dislike the same people. It is our common ground.

* My sister and I are working on plans to survive a zombie apocalypse.

* I do some of my best thinking while laying on the floor and staring at the ceiling.

* I have watched 10 episodes of Xena: The Warrior Princess in the last 2 days.

*One of my favorite movies is Easy A, not just because she does her own thing but because I agree with her. I would love for a guy to be outside my window holding a boom box, ride on a lawn mower, etc...

* I am not the type of girl who just shows up at people's house. If I wasn't invited, I won't be there.

* I am not mean... in fact I am a great friend to those who are good to me. However once you've betrayed that, things will never be the same.

* For once I want the guy to pick me, not the girl who acts like Lydia (Pride & Prejudice).

* There's this boy....he makes me laugh...drives me sucks

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Bane of My Existence....LOL

Sorry for the extended delay.....this shall be a post with a hodge-podge of themes.

This past weekend I was in Idaho for my cousin's mission farewell. I believe it is my aunts mission to give dating advice to their eldest niece every time the family is together. The conversation goes a little something like this....

Aunt "so what are you up to?"
Riss "just school."
Aunt "dating?"
Riss "nope."
Aunt "oh....(awkward pause) why not?"
Riss "apparently I am intimidating."
Aunt "you are just now realizing this?!"
-No degree of denial. No "oh no you aren't. They just don't understand you." type phrases occur. Its a well-known fact in the family that Marissa has a couple looks that could kill.
Riss "no but finally some guy felt brave enough to share it this fact."
Aunt "is he still alive?"
Riss "of course he is." geez it's not like I kill everyone who I dislike....the bodies would be piling up by now and there is no way to hide that in my basement.
Aunt "oh well that's a good thing."

She and my other aunt go into how this long conversation which I cannot escape because I am trapped in a car for 25 miles and the car is traveling at 45mph....yup walked right into this one. They ask if there are any cute boys in my major.... HAHAHA ya right! Just because Indiana Jones was hot does not mean all archaeologist/anthropologist guys are. In fact I haven't met one. I then go into an explanation on how certain guys are attracted to certain majors. The guys in the Pre-Law programs are usually good looking followed closely by those in Pre-Med. The guys in Anthropology.....not so much. You have the guys who want to study some tribe in the deep rain forest of the Amazon and those who want to work in a crime lab. Wide diversity... no attraction. My aunts immediately go into a discussion on how this is a good thing because if I were in the business program I would be distracted by all the guys. Apparently a major full of weirdos is protecting me from making a "wrong" decision. Been there.... Done that....

They then ask about my singles ward. I may be a bit jaded in that arena of my "dating pool". Ok a lot jaded but hey I have accepted and work around it. I will say that there are some great guys in the singles ward. Some that are very driven and ambitious towards their futures.... however the vast majority spend their time on X-Box and will begin school "someday." They say to give the guys another chance.... I'm rolling my eyes and staring out the window at cows. With guys I tend to carry the notion that Mr. Darcy states so eloquently "My good opinion once lost is lost forever." I'm not much into second chances for a guy unless he really tries and I don't see that happening. I'm ok with it.

From this whole conversation I get that "it's ok that I'm single", but don't worry the disease isn't airborne. It's in the water. Also that less distraction from boys will keep my grades up.... I don't remember stating that I wasn't distracted by boys, I just don't date them. It may be because they are on TV and in books. NO I do NOT mean Twilight....gag....roll over and die Stephanie Meyers. And lastly, that maybe I should be nicer to boys... hmmm but I like the fact that the majority of the creepers run at the sight of my glare. The strong will survive and I don't date those that are weak. It'd end in bloodshed.

Another topic arose when talking with my aunts that is another type of boy besides those previously stated in the "Which Are You?" post.

NGB translation "Nice guy but..."
These are the guys who "nice guys but..." For example you come home from a date with a guy and my dad asks how it went. "It was fun." My dad asks if I will go out again with the guy. "Probably not." and he asks why. " Well he is a nice guy but....(insert some reason of not dating said guy). Not a lot needs to be said about these guys. These guys are great guys but .....
Here are some common fillers for the blank: Nice guy but ____?
- He is creepy
- He smells
- All he talks about is video games
- All he talks about is the mission. I realize it was the BEST TWO YEARS of your life but I haven't served one and have nothing to contribute to the conversation beyond "yups" and "hmmm interesting".
-No chemistry
Yup the NGB. Nothing more to be said. You are a Nice Guy But........